Tuesday 4 August 2015

Chocolate Banana Pancakes - 4pp

One of my favourite weekend breakfasts ever (when I can be bothered to make it). The most simple pancakes you will ever meet.  

Pancake Ingredients:
1 banana - 0pp
11g/ 1 sachet cadbury highlights - 1pp
1 medium egg - 2pp
1tsp sweetener - 0pp
1tsp baking powder - 0pp
Fry light - 0pp


100g 0% fat Greek yoghurt - 1pp
Or choose whatever you like!


Blend all pancake ingredients until smooth. Cook in a frying pan sprayed with fry light until set. I put on quite a low heat as I find they burn easy and I usually cook 3 small pancakes at a time. I like the illusion of having loads of pancakes when I stack them up :) Then top them with whatever you like. As easy as that!

For even less points you could have banana and cinnamon pancakes and miss out the chocolate powder. To bulk them out more you could a
dd oats. The possibilities are endless!

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