Monday, 24 August 2015

Bacon Wrapped Chicken with Roasted New Potatoes - 10pp

As my long suffering husband gets stuck eating the same meals as me every night (I cook so he gets what he's given. Albeit larger portions or extra sides. I'm a feeder...), it makes me extremely happy when he really enjoys my "diet food" and this is one of his favourites.

Serves 1 
140g chicken breast - 3pp
2 x bacon medallions - 1pp
2 x laughing cow light cheddar triangles - 1pp
1 clove of garlic
270g new potatoes - 5pp (you get more new potatoes for your points than normal potatoes. I only found this out the other day. #win)
Fry Light
Green beans or any 0pp vegetable of your choice


1. I cook potatoes in my Breville Halo. Spray the bowl with fry light, put in the potatoes, spray again and sprinkle with salt. Cook for around 35 minutes. 
2. If you want to oven cook, par boil the potatoes until just soft enough to insert a knife, drain, put on a baking tray, fry light and salt and cook in the oven at 200°c for 40 minutes.
3. Put your chicken breast in some cling film (just fold over once, don't wrap tighly or it won't flatten) and hit with a rolling pin or any other heavy, blunt object which takes your fancy (you can imagine that the chicken is your boss/ husband/ mother-in-law. Very therapeutic.) You want the chicken to be around 1cm thick-ish. Just easy for rolling without falling apart. 
4. Lay out your bacon medallions, place the chicken on top. In the middle of the squashed chicken put your laughing cow and garlic then roll up to make a nice bacon-chicken-parcel. 
5. Cook in the oven on 200°c for around 30 minutes. 
6. Boil or steam your veg. Done!

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