Wednesday 16 September 2015

Sexy Chicken and Bacon Pasta - 2pp/ 12pp

I LOVE pasta, but being on Weight Watchers I just refuse to eat the stuff. A lot of points for not a lot of food and it just leaves me hungry and disappointed. On filling and healthy though you can eat "unlimited" wholewheat pasta (though I still can't stop weighing things. I can't trust myself not to over eat) so I decided to have a bash at a low ProPoint pasta dish.

What makes this so scrumptious is the sauce is actually tomato soup. Yum!

Now I can't take full credit for this little stroke of genius because it is actually down to my husband. I do all the cooking in our house (I know, how retro) but I had gone for a tattoo session last week and came back to my tea on the table. Bless. He'd done some Gordon Ramsay, just throwing things together sh*t and made a lovely pasta dish which I really enjoyed!

So I based mine around his tomato soup/ sauce concept but bulked it out with a bit more veg and it was gorgeous! Well done Mr T!

2pp on Filling and Healthy or 12pp if pointing

Serves 1
75g wholewheat pasta - 7pp 
1/2 tin WW tomato soup - 1pp
100g chicken (raw) - 2pp
2 x bacon medallions - 1pp
Cherry tomatoes
1/2 brown onion
20g Tesco half fat mature cheddar - 1pp

1. Cook pasta in salted water. Drain.
2. Preheat oven to 200°c.
3. Fry chicken for a couple of minutes, add bacon, onion and tomatoes and fry until onions are soft. Add spinach and wilt.
4. Add frying pan contents along with the soup to pasta and stir.
5. Pour in to baking dish, grate over cheese and cook in the oven for 15-20 mins.

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